Laboratorio sull'Economia delle Imprese di Germania, Italia e Austria


The German translation will be soon available






The organs of the LEIGIA are:


  • The Steering Committee

    This board has to support LEIGIA, by providing guidelines for its strategic development, monitoring the achieved results, promoting the activities of the Laboratory outside, identifying the themes and the structure of the conference annual. It should consist of: the Scientific Director (nominated by the Department of Economics and Business Sciences in Parma), the 4 delegates of the EmiliaLab’s Departments of Economics (Ferrara, Modena, Parma and Reggio Emilia), plus the delegates of organizations existing on the Emilian area (or at the national level).


  • The Scientific Director

    He has coordination tasks, promoting research collaborations. He implements the promotional activity of the Laboratory, in order to raise additional funding, also authorizing expenditures. He manages, on its own or supported by a secretariat, the ordinary administration and working of the annual conference.


  • The Advisory Board
    It represents the business world. It meets 1-2 times a year.  


  • The Scientific Committee
    It is an advisory board representing the research, economic and legal world. It meets 1-2 times a year.